Working on Change
Blake had been at Bethel for a little over a year when he admitted some things in his life needed to change.
“The biggest thing I realized was that I had an attitude problem and needed to learn a lot about respect. I’ve learned about self-respect and respecting others.”
A Kickstart at Camp
A camp experience for a young person can be fun, exciting, and life changing. That is exactly what happened for Blake. With an opportunity to go to camp for the first time since he was a small child, Blake looked forward with anticipation. Young Life, a Christian youth organization, made it possible for three of our boys to attend Young Life Camp this year and Blake was included.
“Young Life Camp helped kickstart my walk with Jesus Christ. Being out there you got to see the beautiful views and mountains. It was next level. You really got to appreciate what Jesus created for us. The sunset was amazing, the lake was incredible and there were a lot of trails through the woods. It was the best experience and I liked it a lot. It was gorgeous.”
Since he has been back from camp, his attitude has improved, and everyone has noticed! Now he is walking closer with God and helping others in his cottage.
Early in the mornings, you will find Blake by himself, reading God’s Word. “I’m holding a lot of Bible verses close to me like Philippians 4:13 and in Corinthians on how to love, be kind, and patient. These verses I’m trying to hold dear to my heart. Every day I’m trying to find ways to be patient and kind. I’m trying to uplift my peers here at Bethel. I try to encourage others. I am beginning to find my identity in Christ as well.”
A Bright Future
Blake is a senior at our school, Bethel Christian Academy, and is becoming a real leader to the other boys. “I’m trying to encourage others to do their chores. I clean up my room to be an example to others. I like to encourage others to pick up their rooms. My chores in the cottage are to do the dishes and stuff like that. These are ways God is teaching me leadership skills.”
“My plan after Bethel is to join the military, probably the Marines, and then go to college after that. I’d like to be a surgical technician or something in the sonography field. I want to help others because others have helped me.”
“I know it may sound corny, but I really do thank everyone for all Bethel has done for me. I would like to say personally how grateful and thankful I am for being here. My walk with God has been amazing and it’s such a blessing. It touches my heart to see how people can be so giving and loving. Tell them thank you. Christ is doing a work in the hearts and lives of young people at Bethel.”