Our 3 step admissions process
Step 1: Fill out an application.
If you are the legal guardian of a child grade 6 to 12 that meets our criteria (as listed below), please fill out our online application.
Step 2: Meet with our staff.
Bethel’s admission team will set up a meeting with you and your family and give you a tour of our campus. You will be able to learn more about our programs during the application process to see if Bethel is a good fit for your child.
Step 3: Our team meets to discuss your child’s needs.
The admission team meets to discuss whether Bethel is a good fit to help the child and/or family, and relays that information as soon as a decision has been made.

To apply for Bethel’s Residential
Programs, click the link below.

Is Bethel the Right Place for My Child?
Family involvement is a central part of Bethel’s programs. It is necessary for a child’s parent, relative caregiver, or other legal guardian to be able to get to our campus for visits and family activities. Family participation with the Bethel team, toward the goal of reunification, is required.
Common reasons children grades 6 to 12 find help at Bethel include:
- Struggles with grades, school behavior, or truancy
- Lives in a family experiencing heavy conflict and emotional stress, at a level that requires time apart to work on improving family relationships.
- Need more structure and supervision due to a guardian’s work schedule
- Struggles to make appropriate choices when faced with negative peer pressure
- Needs a temporary placement so a parent, relative caregiver, or legal guardian can avoid losing custody or avoid disrupting an adoption
- Has successfully completed a high level of care, or program, but are not yet able to return home
- Needs training in social skills, peer interaction or relationships with authority figures
- Has started down a path to delinquency or unruly behaviors
- Needs a temporary, stable home and care due to economic or legal situations such as a parent in jail, homelessness, or family illness
For further discussion on concerns regarding a child’s need for admission to Bethel Bible Village, contact the admission department.
Bethel Bible Village does not discriminate on the basis of mental or physical handicap, race, color, religion, national origin, age or sex (except where age, sex or mental/physical condition is a bona fide treatment or program criteria).
resource information FOR FAMILIES
Bethel Bible Village is usually not a good fit for children or teens with the following:
- I.Q. below 80 (We may refer to another agency)
- Dependency or addiction to alcohol or other drugs
- Experienced suicidal or psychotic episodes within the past six months
- Self-harm behavior within the past six months.
- Recent pattern of runaway behaviors
- Pattern of being physically aggressive or violent toward peers, adults, or property
- History of harm to animals
- History of fire-setting behaviors
- Involvement in a gang
- Sexually acting out behaviors, or sexual aggression against others
- Recent, unsuccessful discharge from a psychiatric inpatient program, or other intensive program, and/or lack of self-control necessary for group living in a family-style home
- Medical conditions that require specialized diets, frequent specialized medical care, or 24-hour standby specialized medical care, which would prevent their participation and involvement Bethel’s daily routine
- Unwillingness of child or guardian(s) to commit to the Bethel program
Contact Director of Admissions, David Shinn, for additional resources.

Financial information
Each family is asked to pay an affordable monthly fee, based on the family’s ability to pay, but no family is ever turned away due to financial need.