From facing heartache to chasing dreams, Adam Conner has experienced many highs and lows in life. Adam was raised by his grandparents from early childhood after his mother was incarcerated and his stepfather was not seen fit to take care of him. His grandfather passed away when he was just six years old and when his grandmother became too weak to care for him, Adam came to Bethel as a young teen.

 Thankfully, Adam was raised with a Christian background, attending church from a young age. However, so many changes all at once were hard for him to navigate. “Growing up I never really knew what a ‘normal’ family setting was like. At a time where my life was being turned upside down, Bethel brought some form of normality that I didn’t know I needed,” Adam explained.

 Twelve years after leaving Bethel, while working at a radio station, Adam discovered his love for music and writing. With the encouragement from friends of Bethel, including songwriter Kelley Lovelace, Adam pursued his dream of songwriting with the hopes of getting a song published. He moved to Nashville to pursue music full time and within months, Adam was signed with Big Show Publishing.

 Adam currently resides in Nashville, where he has continued to pursue songwriting while working full time as a Business Sales leader for T-Mobile. Adam graciously credits his life of opportunity to Bethel. “Zero chance my life would be where it is now without Bethel. Bethel provided me with the opportunity to continue my education which led to an internship and full-time employment at my dream job in radio. I always had a love of music and while working in radio my dream of becoming a songwriter was born. In 2017 I wrote my first song and through the Bethel Country Connection and connecting with one of the writers that year I was able to have that song recorded and then followed that up by moving to Nashville to further chase that dream; none of this would have been possible without Bethel,” Adam said.