“Why I Volunteer With Bethel”: Steve Jett

Community is a cornerstone for Bethel’s ministry. This rings true for Steve Jett, current Secretary of Bethel’s Board of Directors. As a longtime friend of Chuck Baker, former Bethel President, Steve was invited to join the board in 2011. As he became more familiar...

Spotlight Story: Coca-Cola Company

The Coca Cola Company has supplied Bethel with refreshments since the early 1970s; however, the people of Coke are what truly made this community partnership special for so many years.  Richard Floyd worked with Coke for many years as the Sales Manager for...

Spotlight Story: Pat Boone

 The Bethel Weekend Spectacular is one of the most memorable events held in Bethel’s history. The weekend started with a picnic and concert on the Bethel campus followed by two full days of golf at the Rivermont golf course and later, Bear Trace golf course. Pat...

Alumni Story: Dallion Dawkins-Kirby

   A life of adversity at a young age has not defined the future for Dallion Dawkins-Kirby. Coming to Bethel at just 12 years old, there were many obstacles the Lord would bring Dallion through. As Dallion formed relationships with house parents, teachers and...

Spotlight Story: Ike Keay

“And we know that all things work together for the good of those who love the Lord, to them who are called according to his purpose.” -Romans 8:28  As a young boy, Ike Keay faced an uncertain future. Born in Scotland, Ike came to the United States at just five years...