Volunteer Application Name(Required) First Last Phone(Required)Email(Required) Are you volunteering as an individual or would you like to bring a church, school or business group?(Required) An individual A church or youth group A school group A business group Name of organization/church(Required)Volunteer Options(Required)Please check the volunteer opportunity that you are interested in. Food/Supply Drive Cottage Dinner Prayer Warrior Chapel Services Serving School Lunches Campus Wide Event Fundraising Event Housekeeping & Grounds-work State specifically how you would like to volunteer.(Example: At the golf tournament, host a back to school bash, speak at a chapel service, etc.)Do you have any specific skills that could help Bethel?In general, what hours are you available to volunteer? Saturday volunteer opportunities are limited (if you would like to volunteer on a Saturday, please give us a 30 day notice and our volunteer coordinator will get back to you about that date's availability).(Required)For example, "all day", "after school", "any hours," or enter specific hours, such as 9 AM to Noon.MondaysTuesdaysWednesdaysThursdaysFridaysSaturdays Add RemoveIf you wish to volunteer on a specific date, please select that date below. MM slash DD slash YYYY Volunteer Opportunities & Welcome Letter Acknowledgement(Required) I have read through the volunteer opportunities & the welcome letter.