Admissions and Campus Life
Q. How do I admit a child or teen to Bethel?
A. You can find information on our admissions process here.
Q. How do I know if Bethel is the right fit?
Click here to view a checklist, and feel free to call our Director of Admissions, David Shinn, at dshinn@bethelbiblevillage.org or (423) 842-5757.
Q. How old are the children and teens who come to Bethel?
While we are licensced for children ages 5 to 17, we mainly help children from the 6th to 12th grade.
Q. Where do the Bethel children and teens go to school?
A. Middle and high school age youth attend Bethel Christian Academy, our campus school, a State-approved classroom for students needing more individualized academic help. Bethel Christian Academy is now accepting day students who do not live on Bethel’s campus.
Q. Are children and teens required to attend church?
A. Yes, they attend a variety of local churches with their House Parents. Bethel is not aligned with any single denomination, but partners with many churches in the area.
Q. What about physical fitness and sports?
A. Our 50-acre campus gives the children in our care plenty of room to get outside and play. We have playgrounds, basketball courts, a sand volleyball court, a small baseball field and a gym at our campus school.
Middle and high school students have the opportunity to participate in cross country and track and field.
Q. Do the children and teens live full-time on the Bethel campus?
A. Yes, those who are in our residential programs will stay on Bethel’s campus. Children have regular scheduled home visits with their relatives or their legal guardian, as part of a purposeful plan to reunite families as soon as possible.
Q. Is Bethel licensed to provide residential care?
A. Yes. Bethel Bible Village is licensed by the TN Department of Children’s Services, which conducts at least two inspections per year on our campus. Our campus policies are in compliance with all DCS regulations and we do not allow corporal punishment.
Mental health services are coordinated by Robin Moss, LCSW, Director of Therapeutic Programs, and provided by a network of licensed professionals.
Q. Who cares for the children and teens at Bethel?
A. The children live in safe, nurturing, Christ-centered homes with loving house parents. Each home can accommodate up to eight children. Additionally, the children receive case management and therapeutic care from our on-staff social workers, and Christian education and guidance in our school with our teachers. The house parents, social workers and teachers form a circle of care around each child.
Q. How long does a child or teen stay at Bethel?
A. This depends on their life circumstances and program. A typical stay for our kids ranges from 9 to 18 months.
Q. Where do the children or teens go when they leave Bethel?
A. Most return to their legal guardians. Whenever possible, Bethel works to restore families.
Financial Cost And Accountability
Q. How much does it cost to send a child to Bethel?
A. We use a sliding fee scale to determine a family or guardian’s ability to contribute to program costs. Most pay a nominal monthly fee for services, but no child is turned away because of the family’s inability to pay.
Q. Are donations to Bethel tax deductible?
A. Donations to Bethel Bible Village are tax deductible, as long as they meet IRS regulations. (Note: For families who pay boarding fees for their child, boarding fees are not tax deductible).
Q. How is Bethel funded?
A. Our ministry receives no government funding. We are supported by individual donors, foundations, organizations and businesses, as well as various fundraising events.
Q. Who verifies Bethel’s financial accountability?
A. Bethel is accredited by ECFA, which requires organizations to faithfully demonstrate compliance with established standards for Financial Accountability, Transparency, Fundraising and Board Governance. ECFA requires accredited organizations to meet Seven Standards of Responsible Stewardship™.
Each year, an independent CPA firm conducts an annual audit of Bethel Bible Village. You can find it on this page.
We offer a Publicly Available 990. The 990 is an annual reporting return that federally tax-exempt organizations like Bethel must file with the IRS. It provides information on the filing organization’s mission, programs, and finances. You can find it on this page.
Q. How is Bethel governed?
A. Bethel is governed by a voluntary and independent Board of Trustees. Our trustees are not paid for their service. They bring professional expertise from a wide range of business experience from various industries.
Taking action at bethel
Q. What is Bethel’s greatest need?
A. First, we need financial support to keep our homes running. Recurring or regular donations help us the most, because they allow our staff to plan for the long-term. We need volunteers willing to lend a hand, whether working with our children or helping out with events and campus grounds keeping. Above all, we need prayer for the children and teens who live at Bethel, and for the staff who care for them.
Q. How do I become a Bethel volunteer?
A. There are many ways to get involved, from working at our 5k race to mowing the grass or trimming shrubs. Some volunteers make Cottage Dinners to feed our children. Others host food drives or sort items for our Thrift Store. Some volunteers who work with our children need to go through a background check first, for the children’s safety. To learn more about becoming a volunteer, check out our volunteer page.
For more information about Bethel Bible Village, please fill out our quick contact form.