Hope Has Hooves
Galloping Towards Success One of the incredible programs kids at Bethel experience is equine therapy. Kids who are a part of this program visit the Hearts and Hooves Corral every two weeks to work with certified instructors and horses along with Bethel's masters level...
Running With Endurance
Practice Makes Perfect This month the kids at Bethel wrapped up the Cross Country running season. They trained hard over the summer months and into the fall semester. Often if you drove by you could spot them outside running laps around Bethel’s campus. When they...
Growing Academically and Spiritually
Achieving Academic Excellence Kyle is a senior at Bethel Christian Academy. When he first came to Bethel several years ago his grades were not good, and he didn’t like school. Since he has been here, he has excelled academically. “I had Ds and Cs, I ain’t gonna lie to...
From Summer Camp to Appreciation
Working on Change Blake had been at Bethel for a little over a year when he admitted some things in his life needed to change. “The biggest thing I realized was that I had an attitude problem and needed to learn a lot about respect. I’ve learned about self-respect and...
Giving Back to our Nation’s Soldiers
Every year, our students do a service project to give back to those in our community and around the world. And this year, we had the incredible opportunity to support one of our alums by sending military care packages to her husband’s military platoon.
Planting The Seed
At Bethel Bible Village, our main focus is the spiritual growth of our kids. We believe that it is important to show them who Jesus is and that they are loved by Him. While we know only God can change their hearts, we take it upon ourselves to plant the seed that one...
Alice’s Story: Seeing The Bigger Picture
When she first arrived at Bethel Bible Village, Alice had a hard time understanding her reason for being here. She says, “I was so upset when I first got here and felt like I couldn’t do it. I said to myself ‘I am not going to participate in my program.’” Finishing...
Positive Peer Pressure
It does not take very long after a child arrives at Bethel for them to experience peer pressure from the other children, but not in the way you might assume! As our kids begin to feel better about themselves in different areas of their lives, they see...
Laney’s Story
Laney faced a lot of meanness in her young life. She shut down and went into a shell, which caused issues at home and at school. Today, her life has been transformed and she is on a mission to make the world a kinder place.
Kyle’s Story
Kyle was a mystery. He stopped communicating. He wasn’t learning. He was skipping school. His mom turned to Bethel to unravel the mystery and work with him to change his life. His story is inspiring!
Mackenzie’s Story: A Life Changed
She is a sweet young mom with a beautiful heart. It’s brave for her to share her story publicly but Mackenzie hopes to inspire other girls who make a poor decision, have their life go out of control, and are looking for a light to lead them out of the darkness. As a...
Rachel’s Story: Nowhere to Go
Rachel came to Bethel as a young teen without any family left who could care for her. At Bethel, she found the healing and hope she needed to overcome the trauma of her childhood, excel in school, and find God’s path for her life. Rachel shared more of her story and discussed what life was…
Allen’s Story: Finding Hope
At age 12, Allen Green was ready to give up hope. With no one at home to care for him, he dropped out of school and ran away. The statistics would say he had no chance for a future. Instead, Allen Green landed at Bethel Bible Village, where his House Parents, Floyd and Deborah Richardson,…
LeAnn’s story: Bethel Was My Saving Grace
LeAnn as a child at Bethel, seated at left, and today with her husband of 18 years. She was a beautiful little girl with a dreamy smile but she was living in a nightmare of abuse and neglect that left her severely traumatized. “Bethel saved me from a life of abuse,” LeAnn recalled. “Every…
Latisha’s Story: A Great Life Began at Bethel
When Latisha was 6 years old, her mom succumbed to a mental illness and lost the ability to care for her. “We had no running water or electricity or food in the house. I only ate when I was at school” Latisha recalled. “I didn’t know other kids didn’t live that way.” It was a…
Adam’s Story: From Crisis To Country Songwriter
As a boy, Adam Conner was raised by his loving grandparents because his mother was not able to take care of him. “Then, my grandfather passed away when I was 6, leaving just my ‘Ma’am Maw’ to raise me,” Adam recalls. “She did the best she could, but eventually, she had to go to a nursing…
Austin’s Story: From Rebellion to Responsibility
Minus a Father, He Despised Authority Austin has not seen his father since he was a small boy. And by the time he was 16, he had no interest in finding him. At this rebellious stage of his life, his father would be just another authority figure, and Austin had zero respect for anyone in…